Casa Gaia B&B Bijou Hotel – Pescara

Casa Gaia BB 5 Casa Gaia BB 9

About This Project

Embracing evolved technologies doesn’t mean giving up aesthetic qualities but, on the contrary, thanks to AVE, it’s precisely the details that make the difference as in Casa Gaia B&B Bijou Hotel of Pescara, that has chosen to integrate various AVE solutions dedicated to the world of hospitality.

The transponder readers offer a modern access system to the rooms and services, while the electronic thermostats return maximum comfort through a convenient, practical and intuitive interface from the first use.

Characterized by a minimalist design, all the elements that make up the electrical system are part of a precise and carefully designed project. A project crowned by the white color of AVE Domus 100 series, that – in this case – is combined with 44 Moulded front plates with a chrome inner frame.

DOMUS 44, Tecnopolimero 44

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